pirmdiena, 2009. gada 28. septembris


And so it begins... Sept 27, 2009.

pirmdiena, 2009. gada 21. septembris

Second chances

And there comes an answer to one of the questions I have had in my mind for some time already.

""Dad, do people ever deserve second chances?" I thought of my own second chance. How I had survived an accident that should have killed me. And I was doing more than just hanging out, it seemed. I felt a rush of gratitude. "All the time.""

/"Duma key" by S. King/

A whole different perspective

"It wasn't an accident and it wasn't a mistake. Twenty-four good years, two fine daughters, and we're still talking."

/"Duma key" by S. King/

To me, this was a quite surprising view on a divorced marriage. Why surprising? Apparently because I can't find a reason to disagree with the quote. Still, it changes everything.

otrdiena, 2009. gada 15. septembris

Filling with anger

Angry. Annoyed. Tired. Mentally.
Nothing has happened. Nothing important at least. At the same time a million of small things have happened. To me and to other people. These small things are getting to me.

ceturtdiena, 2009. gada 10. septembris

Another feeling

I have a weird feeling. Positively weird.

pirmdiena, 2009. gada 7. septembris

Fixing it.

Why do I even care? That's the next thing to change.

ceturtdiena, 2009. gada 3. septembris


Joprojām tāpat kā pirmoreiz viņus izdzirdot. Fantastiski.

Jo īpaši - Saeglopur.


And another one. In a way a better one.


Šodien - ja diena nav iesākusies pozitīvi, tad tā vienkārši vēl nav iesākusies.

trešdiena, 2009. gada 2. septembris


Weird, but pleasant dream. Unfortunately pretty unreal.