trešdiena, 2010. gada 16. jūnijs

Brīnumainās pārvērtības!

Paspēlējos ar emuāra izskatu. Līdz galam apmierināts neesmu, bet vismaz ir kaut kas jauns :)

Wrong turn 2

It's 4:43 a.m. and I just realized that I might have been pushed away from a possibly wrong turn once in my life. Thank you!

ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 10. jūnijs

Wrong turn

Do you ever wonder whether you have taken a wrong turn in your life? I do. Just now. Don't have any particular moment on my mind. Just generally wondering. And if I or somebody else has, is it possible to get back on the "right way" in the next crossroads? Just wondering..

Visions of paradise

sestdiena, 2010. gada 5. jūnijs

Lesson of life #1

If a mistake (or a series of mistakes) has been made in the beginning, it's at least twice as hard to correct them later on.

1) Don't make mistakes. (If you are a human, it's unreal, I know. Even the best of us make mistakes.)
2) Correct the mistake as soon as possible (as soon as you've realised it).
3) Accept the fact that it will be at least twice as hard to correct the mistake later, if you have missed the best possible time for doing that.

P.S. Mistake = not necessarily something bad or faulty.
P.P.S. Apart from counting the lessons of life, the numeration doesn't hold any additional meaning. It is not in any way connected with the significance of the lessons.
P.P.P.S. Looking forward to meeting a friend!

trešdiena, 2010. gada 2. jūnijs


"Just sitting here and trying to decipher
What's written in Braille upon my skin..."