Do you ever wonder whether you have taken a wrong turn in your life? I do. Just now. Don't have any particular moment on my mind. Just generally wondering. And if I or somebody else has, is it possible to get back on the "right way" in the next crossroads? Just wondering..
8 komentāri:
Mana atbilde uz jautājumu ir - jā.
Pirmo vai otro :)
uz otro.
uz pirmo tā ir tieši pretēja:)
Patiesībā šim ierakstam bija bezjēdzīgāka dziļāka doma, bet es Tavai atbildei noteikti piekrītu!
never even dare to underestimate yourself and think you made any wrong choice. what makes wrong from right anyway?
all of your choices have made you who you are. and you are someone.
No worries, I don't underestimate myself, however, there is no doubt I have made a wrong choice at some point in my life and probably not just one of those. We all have. Possibly it is written in a to-do list of any human being - at least once in your life make a wrong choice! I thank you for the effort of trying to persuade me that I have never made a wrong choice, but it just makes me smile a little. I'm not afraid of making wrong choices, I'm afraid of not being able/not knowing how to correct them.
What makes wrong from right? Good question. Despite the fact that I've used these ambiguous categories here, I must admit I don't like using them either. Nonetheless in certain situations I think these words/concepts could be objectively explained/applied.
Don't get me wrong, I don't regret anything (well, at least not in the big picture, the "big turns"), as I said just wondering. It's interesting how much one's life can change, if he/she acts differently in a seemingly insignificant (at that moment) situation.
Your one but last sentence is absolutely true. It made me remember a quote from Harry Potter (yes, I am not afraid to admit that I've read and liked HP books :) ):
"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices".
I know the book is not the best source for meaningful quotes, but still, this is a good one :)
P.S. I like knowing who my readers are. No pressure though ;)
Sometimes background knowledge can change your answer. Knowing what a psychology test is for makes your answers different. Knowing the person you're talking to, makes your rely subjective. It is just about the theoretical question.
If I understood you right, you're talking about my post scriptum note. Yes, actually I do agree with you, once again. Most probably our communication is better (more true and objective) this way. The PS note was just my curiousity speaking :)
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