sestdiena, 2012. gada 26. maijs

Life & death.

I just watched a documentary about a cancer survivor. As usual this kind of movies makes you think about life. About how we're spending the time given to us on this earth. As strange as it seems, but I find that upcoming death drastically improves person's quality of life. That's when you really start treasuring every moment you've got left.

People are stupid. Absolute idiots. At least most of them, most of the time. Well, ok, I'm sorry. Some can be called ignorant, but essentially there's almost no difference. We make the crucial mistake of taking things and people for granted. We're absolutely unable to learn from the mistakes (and sometimes from the examples) of others. We hear somebody saying: "You should really live every day like it's the last one.". We nod. We forget it the very next moment. Is everybody really living their lives the best possible way? Are they really that satisfied? Do they feel helpless and unable to change anything? Or they just take the miracle of life and living for granted? I know I am not satisfied. I'm learning how to live better and I feel this is gonna be a life-long process. That's the way it should be.

I feel like one of the best exercises (that comes to mind) of making your life better (or finding what you regret or lack in your life) is the following:

1) imagine you're told that you're terminally ill. Let's say you've got 3 years to live,
2) if imagining doesn't work watch a movie like the one I did ("Crazy sexy cancer") and really get into it if you can. Try inserting yourself in the place of the hero/heroine of the movie,
3) when you're finally there, feeling everything you should, try looking at life. Your own life. What would you do today knowing there are only ~1000 like them left? Essentially it's true, you just don't know the magic number. Go outside. Look at the birds, trees, sky. Take a breath of fresh air. Take it all in. Try finding people laughing and/or smiling and learn from their example. Who cares if a random passerby thinks you're weird, standing and smiling/laughing for no apparent reason. This list could be continued on and on. Life is absolutely full of awesome things. We should enjoy as much of them as possible.

Finally, do I remember this every day? No. Not even close. But I'm trying to and I'm getting better at it.

I can only hope that all the above doesn't sound like just another blabbering about a topic that is talked about since the beginning of days, because it does to me. It doesn't matter how I put it, words just don't seem to work this time. Still, hoping you got smth out of it.

1 komentārs:

Natalie teica...

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