otrdiena, 2011. gada 29. novembris


"Neko netaupi īpašam gadījumam. Īpašais gadījums ir šodiena."
/Regīna Berta/

sestdiena, 2011. gada 26. novembris

So true!

"We were not put on this earth to work, breathe and die."
/The change up/

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 3. novembris

It's all about the little things.

You probably know the saying "Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth" by M.Twain. Very recently I did exactly that. I danced like nobody was watching.

I'm not a crazy dancing maniac (unless overly drunk ;) ), but this was one of the times I really enjoyed. I had a good company, but this time it wasn't about the company. I had one of my do-what-other-people-usually-don't moment. Even though the dancing ground of the local club was fairly crowded I closed my eyes and danced like I was the only person there. I didn't change the moves, I just enjoyed the music and dance. Even an occasional bump into adjacent dancers didn't bother me. I must admit, it was suprisingly freeing and nice feeling. I had my moment.

All this story leads to my main point. Life as a matter of fact is heaven on earth if you're willing and capable of seeing and enjoying all it's wonders. Very noteworthy amount of happiness I find in these little moments. In things I elect to do differently than others just because it's fun. Or in the miracles I manage to find in the most common things.

There is a ton of situations where people do something in one way just because everybody does it that way, because it's easier or because it's according to some kind of rules. And I'm not saying here that I'm a hipster (to be honest I just don't care about all that hipster business) or that you should go against all rules, but sometimes it's just so much more fun for you or the people around you to cut bread with scissors, invent and perform (with your partner) some crazy dance moves during waltz music played in a formal ball or simply watching the stars while walking along the very middle of an empty main street of the city. As they say - what ever makes you happy. Just remember, it's all about those moments in your life. It's all about the little things..

Ólafur Arnalds - Ljósið

A couple of comments below this youtube music video:

*Do you see that smoke? That's life. It keeps changing colors, direction, patterns. It's perfect.
Don't you wish it never stopped moving to the right of the screen?

*I'm in awe. The whole song just felt like a hug, and a whisper that everything was going to be okay.

I'm not sure if those guys where smoking smth while listening to the song or those were just their sober opinions, but either way I can absolutely relate to them (not really sure what that says about me). Powerful stuff. Here goes the song, enjoy!

svētdiena, 2011. gada 23. oktobris

trešdiena, 2011. gada 12. oktobris

Current feeling.

"It's like ten thousand spoons, when all you need is a knife."
/A. Morisette/

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 6. oktobris


"Es gribu, lai tikai tu manī skaties, - kad tu manī skaties, es esmu patiess."

sestdiena, 2011. gada 1. oktobris

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 29. septembris

Change perspective.

Be thankful every day.

trešdiena, 2011. gada 28. septembris

Fulfilled lifetime.

You have to live every single day like there's no tomorrow, but while doing so remember that you'll have to keep it up for a bunch of years to come. Sounds contradictory, but it isn't. One may think it's impossible, but it isn't. Just a perfect, fulfilled lifetime.

otrdiena, 2011. gada 27. septembris

Key to living.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid I haven't been alive enough."
/movie "Mr. Nobody"/

sestdiena, 2011. gada 24. septembris


"I was and still am a dreamer and that's what made me become the person I am today."

/Jared Leto/
Un vēl šis tas muzikāls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRYI07Bjfgw

sestdiena, 2011. gada 17. septembris

Par rudeni prieks.

Lai arī vasara bija fenomenāla, gaiss paliek vēsāks un vakari tumšāki, tomēr nemaz nav bēda, ka dabā jūtams rudens tuvums. Ir rudenim sava burvība un tas ir tieši tas, ko tagad vēlos. Dzīve ar šo vasaru nebeidzās. Gan jau būs vēl fenomenālas, siltas un gaišas vasaras.

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 8. septembris

Atkal par to dzīvi.

Tā ir tik ārprātīgi daudzpusīga. Es varētu to salīdzināt ar miljons dažādām lietām un neviens no šiem salīdzinājumiem nebūtu kļūdains. Diemžēl šodien to nākas salīdzināt ar loteriju. Un tāda tā arī ir - kā loterija tik ļoti daudzās dzīves situācijās ik dienu. Būs vai nebūs? Paspēsi vai nepaspēsi? Ieraudzīsi vai neieraudzīsi? Loze būs pilna vai tukša. Diemžēl Kārlis šodien izvilka neveiksmīgo lozi.. Arī tik skarba mēdz būt dzīve, diemžēl. Bet Kārlis netiks aizmirsts. Tik daudz pozitīvisma, labsirdības un prieku viņš atstājis aiz sevis. Tagad viņš dzīvos mūsu atmiņās. Mūžīgi. Lai vieglas smiltis.

pirmdiena, 2011. gada 5. septembris

Why not?

"There are people who ask "Why?"
and then there are others who ask "Why not?""
/found on the internet/

Me myself, a proud representative of "the others".

piektdiena, 2011. gada 2. septembris

Viņa arī to lietu prot.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4EE4bIFixQ&feature=relmfu - visu laiku iet uz repeat un nevaru apturēt. Nezinu vai to dziesmu vispār var nodziedāt labāk un vai ir pasaulē vēl piemērotāks izpildītājs.

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 11. augusts

svētdiena, 2011. gada 7. augusts

Brighter future.

There are no bad days for beginning to change your life for the better.

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 4. augusts


"Take a look at yourself in a mirror - who do you see looking back?
Is it the person you want to be?
Or is there someone else you were meant to be.
The person you should have been, but fell short of?
Is someone telling you that you can't or won't? Because you can.
Believe that love is out there.
Believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do.
Sometimes happiness doesn't come from money or fame or power.
Sometimes happiness comes from good friends and family and from the quiet nobility of leading a good life.
Believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do.
Believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do.
So take a look in that mirror and remind yourself to be happy, because you deserve to be. Believe that.
And believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do.."

It's all I can do.

piektdiena, 2011. gada 29. jūlijs


Live the life. Live the dream. No fear.

otrdiena, 2011. gada 26. jūlijs

Go hard or go home.

Never intended on "going home" this summer. If I manage to keep up the pace till the end, it will have been an amazing summer. Actually, it already is. Go hard - life is once in a lifetime opportunity!

piektdiena, 2011. gada 8. jūlijs

Getting high..

I have a weird feeling inside. It's like I'm drifting away from the "real world" even though according to my beliefs very few people actually know what real life is all about. My life is becoming more fulfilling with every breath I take, because I'm becoming life-smarter every single day. It's great that I have found some friends that feel the same way, because otherwise people around me might think I'm on drugs or smth. Sometimes that's how I feel, only without the harming one's health part.

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 30. jūnijs

Am I sure?

There are times when we start questioning our choices and wonder whether rejecting some of the opportunities were the right thing to do. The key is to make every single of our choices according to our conscience. Only then we can silence our doubts truthfully. Or at least try to silence..

sestdiena, 2011. gada 25. jūnijs


Life is a huge sequence of amazing experiences and adventures. Take it or leave it - it's up to you!

svētdiena, 2011. gada 22. maijs

What comes next?

Purposeless life sooner or later is bound to collapse in a huge pile of nothingness. I have a feeling that it could be mine if I don't change soon. Some accumulated bitterness is eating me from the inside and I'm trying to numb it with means that do no good to me. I'm disappointed in myself. Disappointment and bitterness are things I've lately observed in many other people too. It seems we all have some disappointment and insecurity inside, and try to hide or numb it in whichever way we can, but still I don't think this is the way to live. Purpose is what I need right now. Something to look forward to. Something to work for. Something to strive for. Until the present day I have been simply freerolling life and while that was a lot of fun, I probably should start working on strengthening it.

Lately I've been wondering about the concept of happiness. Happy life. What is that? What does it mean to you? Our understandings probably don't match - is that good or bad? Can either of us be wrong? Probably not, yet something leaves me confused in this lifelong quest for doing my best at living happily ever after. However, it's not as bad as it sounds, if I wrote this a few days ago, I would've probably said I was happy. Incredibly lucky is what I am, that's for sure. Happy? Mostly yes.

Anyway, disappointments are healthy. They make me change. Attack my insecurities. Work on my life. Find a purpose.

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 12. maijs

Australia's got talent

Patīk man šitie stāsti - "You come out looking like this and you do THAT!"

sestdiena, 2011. gada 7. maijs

Wrongs & rights

I've done some wrongs, but alongside I've done rights. I'll punish myself for the wrongs, but the good deeds will grow & thrive and at the end of the day that's what will remain.

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 28. aprīlis

Mīlu vasaru!

Jo tuvāk tā nāk, jo nepacietīgāks es palieku. Ar vienu kāju jau esam tajā, bet vēl nav tik silts. Gaidu, kad silts būs 24/7. Šī būs superawesome vasara!

sestdiena, 2011. gada 16. aprīlis

Viss ir vienkārši.

Es neesmu sarežģīts cilvēks. Dzīvoju pamatojoties uz dažiem vienkāršiem principiem - taisnīgums, atklātība, labsirdība un godprātība. It's that simple!

Un vēl, šodienu iekrāsoja laba dziesma:

piektdiena, 2011. gada 15. aprīlis

Coincidence? I don't think so...

Andris šodien uzrakstījis par vienu notikumu ķēdi, kas gala rezultātā ļāva viņam satikt kādu ļoti svarīgu un īpašu cilvēku. Daudzi teiktu sagadīšanās. Es teiktu nē! Patīk un piekrītu es tam teicienam - everything happens for a reason.

pirmdiena, 2011. gada 28. marts

Strength, courage and wisdom

Apparently there's even a saying/prayer in English according to which I'm leading my life:

"Lord, grant me the strength to change the things I can,
the courage to accept the things I can't,
and the wisdom to know the difference."
/heard in the movie "It's kind of a funny story"/

trešdiena, 2011. gada 16. marts

Peaceful warrior.

"There's never nothing going on. There are no ordinary moments."

/from "Peaceful warrior"/

sestdiena, 2011. gada 12. marts

After afterall

I'm lovin' it.

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 10. marts

Dzīves gruži

1) Jāizlasa I. Ziedoņa "Epifānijas", iepatikās viņa teksti.
"Teikt vai neteikt, ka tevi.. Un jā.. Varbūt pat ļoti."

2) Būs kaut kad jāaizbrauc uz zemāk redzamo vietu. Izskatās iedvesmojošiespaidīgi. Tā ir Indija.

Varbūt vēl kas, ko atcerēšos nākamreiz.

P.S. Gaidu pavasari!

piektdiena, 2011. gada 4. marts

Live - Heaven

"I don't need no proof, when it comes to God and truth."

otrdiena, 2011. gada 1. marts

Izgudroju riteni!

Yes! Nupat dzima lieliska ideja/risinājums vienam veselības šķērslim. Success! :)

Step 2

Physical health/wellbeing. Working on that.

svētdiena, 2011. gada 27. februāris


Lai gan runa ir par Kanādu un kanādiešiem, daudz ko no teiktā Tu vari attiecināt uz sevi, ja vien Tavi uzskati ir līdzīgi. Tādai jābūt apziņai, ar kuru dzīvot - we are more!


Esmu haoss. Ir jāsakārto sevi. Pirmais solis - apkārtējās vides sakārtošana - pabeigts. Feeling a bit better already.

svētdiena, 2011. gada 20. februāris


It's good I strive (99% of times I do it successfully) to never regret anything I've done or experienced, no matter how bad or humiliating. If I didn't then now I would have to wonder if I regret meeting a certain person in my life. I never regret even meeting the people that have harmed me in any way. I simply exclude them from my life. Have you ever regretted to have ever met somebody? I'm confused.

But once I've mention regret I have to say - don't ever regret anything! Regretting means living in the past. Regretting is a problem not a solution. Live today. Live for tomorrow.

sestdiena, 2011. gada 19. februāris

Broken record

Laikam to jau iepriekš esmu teicis un visticamākais teikšu vēl - David Gray - Please forgive me ir vienkārši nereāli laba dziesma. Izārda dvēseli līdz pašiem dziļumiem pat tad, kad neprasās.
Neskatoties uz to, ka mīlu mūziku un ļoti labu dziesmu ir daudz, šī laikam manā pasaulē ir ārpus konkurences. Lai skan.

piektdiena, 2011. gada 11. februāris

Look at it through different eyes.

I unintentionally just did what I didn't know was possible. Through my friends' experience I just changed my own memories. It's surprising. It's great. And so I keep on learning life.

trešdiena, 2011. gada 9. februāris

Charlotte Martin - Just like heaven

Diezgan nereāli patīk.

svētdiena, 2011. gada 30. janvāris

Expect the unexpected

Life keeps on surprising me. Once again absolutely unexpectedly a "thing" has happened that I secretly wished for, but didn't really anticipate for it to happen. As I've said numerous times before - life is full of surprises! :)

trešdiena, 2011. gada 26. janvāris

Again, a post on the state of being drunk

In a way I wish I was always drunk. For me it's easier to reach what lies within my soul, and to say what I mean and I feel (and what people deserve to hear).

pirmdiena, 2011. gada 24. janvāris


Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.
/Autors nezināms/

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 20. janvāris

Faith is the key

There are times in our lives when we just have to take a leap of faith. You better be ready for when the moment comes.

otrdiena, 2011. gada 18. janvāris


Pašam prieks par to kā iesācies gads. Veiksmīgi esmu sācis pildīt savas apņemšanās - esmu jau supertuvu arī pirmajam zāles apmeklējumam. Šīs nedēļas laikā tas noteikti notiks. Papildus tam esmu nolēmis arī nedaudz pakoriģēt savu ēdienkarti, kas arī manu dzīvi padarīs tikai labāku :)
Beztam pirmajās 18 šī gada dienās ir dzimušas jaunas (atsvaidzinātas vecās) idejas un es jau nepacietīgi gaidu, kad tās tiks īstenotas.

Visas šīs veselīgās un/vai noderīgās nodarbes, kuras esmu apņēmies īstenot, rada manī arī vēlmi turpināt domāt, kā vēl vairāk sakārtot sevi un padarīt dzīvi un dzīvošanu foršāku. Tātad vispārīgi runājot - esmu gandarīts! Tā tik turpināt! :)

Šī vakara miega dziesma:

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 6. janvāris


Šodien pamanīju, ka mans sekotāju (oficiālo) bariņš ir sasniedzis apaļo skaitli - 10. Attiecīgi arī sveiciens jaunākajai sekotājai "That's she"!

Šis fakts savukārt uzjundīja manī ziņkārības vilni, kura iespaidā nolēmu izveidot aptauju (skat. labajā pusē). Zinu, ka pats sekoju līdzi vairākiem blogiem, bet, izmantojot interneta rīkus, kas manu identitāti patur noslēpumā (tos gan izmantoju ērtības nevis slepenības dēļ). Tas, kas mani būtībā interesē, ir cik tad kopā īsti ir to cilvēku, kas vairāk vai mazāk regulāri iemet šeit aci? Būšu ļoti pateicīgs, ja jūs visi izdarīsiet šos pāris nesāpīgos klikšķus. Paldies!

Pirmā jaungada apņemšanās

Šajā gadā ir aizvadītas tikai 5 dienas, bet 2011. gada apņemšanos sarakstā jau varu atzīmēt pirmo panākumu - izlasīta (taisnības labad jāsaka, ka tā jau bija iesākta) pirmā grāmata. Sīkums, bet patīkami. Tā tik turpināšu!

otrdiena, 2011. gada 4. janvāris


Vienmēr esmu pieļāvis tādu iespēju, ka reiz uztaisīšu tetovējumu. Šodien sapratu, kurā vietā šis tetovējums varētu tapt. Tagad tikai jāatrod pašu tetovējuma dizainu/veidu/izskatu. Ir kādi ierosinājumi? Man ir tikai viens, pietiekami vispārīgs virziens, kurā domāt - vēlos tetovējumu ar domu. Labu domu. Pagaidām vienīgā ideja ir k-ko uzrakstīt ķīniešu valodas simbolos, tomēr tas šķiet pārāk nodrāzts variants (paliek kā worst case scenario).
Būšu pateicīgs par jebkuru svaigu ideju!

Vēl arī pāris labas dziesmas:


P.S. Šodien aizsāku savu 2011. gada apņemšanos pildīšanu!

svētdiena, 2011. gada 2. janvāris

Step up 3D

" Some famous guy once said, "To travel is better than to arrive" and I was like "What!?". Well because I used to think that there was only one path to take to where you wanna get to be in life. But if you choose that one path, that doesn’t mean you have to abandon all the others. I realized that it’s actually what happens along the way….that counts. The stumbles. Or the falls. The friendships. It’s the journey. Not the destination. You just gotta - I guess - trust the future will work itself out like it’s supposed to."

/Moose, Step up 3D/